Search Results
Your search yielded 15 images
GMP-Perched American ...jpg
Bald eagle rests on top of a dead birch branch.
GMP Red Squirrel -RS-...jpg
Red squirrel in pine tree.
GMP American Bald Eag...jpg
American Bald Eagle perche in a birch tree.
GMP-4249 American Bis...jpg
A herd of American buffalo, Bison, feeding in a...
GMP-Red Fox Kit-6104
Red Fox Kit at entrance to his den.
GMP-4245 American Bis...jpg
Profile head and shoulders of American Bison or...
GJM American Bald Eag...jpg
Bald eagle stares into the distance while...
Whitetail deer feeding on grass near forest.
GMP-4256 American Bis...jpg
Bison cow and calf in Yellowstone in spring.
GMP American Bald Eag...tif
Bald Eagle sitting in a birch tree.
GJM-American Bald Eag...jpg
Bald Eagle in flight.
Red fox hunting in rock pile.
White Tail deer in late winter after shedding...
Red Fox sitting near the den entrance.
GMP4294-Grizzly Bear ...jpg